Theme collections

Here we have collected some some of the episodes in specific themes.

Methods Consult resource

When you need a little help, a second opinion, or just some advice from an expert colleague, you might call for a consult. These methods consults are precisely that: a little insight from a colleague who has medical education research experience and (some) expertise. 

Dr Jonathan Sherbino, portrait.
Jonathan Sherbino.
Photo: Erik Cronberg

#7 Moral (or Morale?) development in medical trainees

Learning is social. Caring for stigmatized patients can negatively impact trainees. In this episode, we discover how frustration and futility during patient care may lead to future apathy and moral detachment as physicians.

Read more and listen to episode 7

Dr. Lara Varpio, portrait.
Lara Varpio.
Photo: Erik Cronberg.

#8 Methods Consult – Paradigms

This consult covers a topic that is the foundation of any research: the philosophies of science and research paradigms. Whether you’re explicitly aware of it or not, you have ideas and assumptions about how to conduct research. These ideas and assumptions are the groundwork for all the decisions you make when you conduct your research. But, when you work in an interdisciplinary field of research like health professions education, you realize that not everyone shares the same ideas and assumptions.

Read more and listen to episode 8

Dr. Lara Varpio, portrait.
Lara Varpio.
Photo: Erik Cronberg.

#18 Methods Consult – Thematic analysis

In this episode, Lara talks about thematic analysis. It is a building block of many different methodologies and approaches in qualitative research (e.g., it is part of the Grounded Theory process), but it is also—in and of itself—a method for doing qualitative data analysis.

Read more and listen to episode 18

Dr. Lara Varpio, portrait.
Lara Varpio.
Photo: Erik Cronberg.

#31 Methods Consult – Conceptual Frameworks, Theory, and Theoretical Frameworks

In this episode, Lara Varpio is answering a question from a listener; in doing so, she’s highlighting some of the differences that make a difference between those 3 interconnected concepts: conceptual framework theory and theoretical framework.

Read more and listen to episode 31

Lara Varpio & Jonathan Sherbino.

#54 – Methods Consult – Sample Size

Sample size is a crucial aspect of research design, particularly in experimental studies. It influences the reliability and validity of the study outcomes. Here, Lara and Jon will break down some key concepts and methods related to determining and calculating sample size.

Read more and listen to episode 54