A collage of images of the host team in different recording settings, all looking happy, Jason Frank, Lara Varpio, Jonathan Sherbino and Linda Snell.

The podcast that keeps you up to date on the latest research in Health Professions Education (HPE)

Welcome to The PAPERs Podcast

We bring you the main points of a health profession education research article in under half an hour.

Meet us at ASME 2024!

The four host of Papers podcast sitting at a table at a live session, discussing, looking at each other and smiling and. The text Live session at ASME 2024, 10-12 July, University of Warwick.

Papers Podcast will give a live recording at ASME on Wednesday 10th July. Lara Varpio is Keynote speaker on Thursday, and there is a “Cofee & Cake” reflection with the PAPERs team on Friday 12th. Welcome to say hi, listen and join the discussion.
More info on the live session here.

The Live-session papers

Great news! Our hosts are now visual

Now you can enjoy our lovely hosts in visual as well as in audio format! We are now combining the podcast’s audio format with video format and have just released our first video. We think it’s great! Hope you do as well! / PAPERs Podcast Crew.

Who Are You? (video episode on YouTube)

In this episode, we talk about curriculum renewal from a different angle:
What happens to the educator’s identity when major reform is undertaken?
What happens to that identity when content expertise is only part of what is now required?

Watch the episode on PAPERs Podcast YouTube channel.
Episode host: Lara Varpio.

Explore all episodes in this playlist

Coming up soon

Live session at ASME on Wednesday 10th July, 16.30-18.00.

ASME logo with text Association for the study of medical education

Meet our hosts

The four members of the host team standing close together looking into the camera and smiling

Photo: Erik Cronberg

Read a presentation of our fabulous hosts

Listen and subscribe

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