Methods Consult resource

Collage of image of Jonathan Sherbino and Lara Varpio.

When you need a little help, a second opinion, or just some advice from an expert colleague, you might call for a consult. These methods consults are precisely that: a little insight from a colleague who has medical education research experience and (some) expertise.

Enhance your research skills with Methods Consult. Dive into Methods Consult episodes for quick, expert guidance on essential research methods. Explore topics like:  

  • Choosing the proper literature review for your study.
  • Mastering thematic analysis.
  • Determining appropriate sample sizes.
  • Navigating research paradigms.

Each episode delivers practical insights in under 30 minutes, designed for educators and researchers in health professions education. Transform your research journey, one method at a time!


Key points episode 8

  • Defines research paradigms as foundational worldviews shaping research approaches.
  • Highlights the significance of paradigms in health professions education.
  • Introduces post-positivism, emphasizing empirical observation and objectivity.
  • Explores constructivism, focusing on socially constructed realities.
  • Stresses the importance of aligning research methods with paradigmatic assumptions.

Key points episode 18

  • Defines thematic analysis (TA) as a method for identifying patterns in qualitative data.
  • Explores its flexibility across research paradigms.
  • Highlights reflexive TA and the researcher’s role in theme development.
  • Outlines the six phases of TA by Braun & Clarke.

Key points episode 74

  • Explains the spectrum of literature reviews, from systematic to scoping, realist, and narrative.
  • Introduces the objectivist–subjectivist continuum to help align your review with your research goals.
  • Offers strategies to navigate different review types and choose the most suitable approach.
  • Highlights the importance of understanding each review’s expectations regarding rigor, knowledge generation, and credibility.
  • Provides practical tools and resources to facilitate the literature review process.

Key points episode 31

  • Defines conceptual frameworks, theories, and theoretical frameworks in research.
  • Clarifies their distinct roles in structuring and justifying studies.
  • Explains how these elements evolve as research develops.
  • Provides visual aids to illustrate key differences.

Key points episode 54

  • Explores the importance of sample size in ensuring study validity, reliability, and generalizability.
  • Discusses ethical considerations in determining sample size, minimizing unnecessary participant exposure.
  • Highlights power analysis as a method to calculate the minimum sample size needed to detect meaningful effects.
  • Explains key statistical concepts like Type I and Type II errors, power, and effect size.
  • Emphasizes the role of pilot studies in estimating effect sizes and refining sample size calculations.