Posts in the category

Synthesis: Scoping

A clinical supervisor observes a medical student in a dynamic hospital scene, illustrating first impressions in medical assessments. Muted tones depict initial bias, while brighter colors show improved performance. Silhouettes of learners and a subtle clock symbolize evolving judgment in a high-stakes clinical setting.

#44 – The same old (CBME) song and dance, my friend

Listening to this episode would provide valuable insights into competency-based medical education (CBME) and the complexities surrounding it. The hosts discuss a paper that reports on the conversations in the literature about CBME. The history of those conversations and what they hold for the future of CBME is highlighted.


#13 Cooking your way through medical school: a hand-on approach to food as an evidence-based intervention. 

Teaching health professionals to discuss practical aspects of nutrition with patients is important. This paper describes innovative culinary medicine programs, including their benefits, success factors, gaps, and challenges. The related podcast provides a different perspective … or does it?


#2 Uncertainty – That’s what one fears most

Lara Varpio take the lead of the conversation in this episode on uncertainty. 
What is the role of uncertainty and uncertainty tolerance in both clinical work and in health professions education? To handle uncertaintly is a competence expected of clinicians but how can we teach it? 

The hosts discuss the phenomena of uncertainty as well as ways to study it. The article of the week has is a scoping review as method, and some thoughts and resources around it are shared. 

Lara’s take away: The selection of theory you make for you study, really shapes the knowledge you develop afterwords.