Posts in the category

Education Topic

#22 Feedback: Who owns it?

Students say they don’t get enough, or enough ‘good’ feedback … teachers say they deliver lots and do it well. Could some of this tension be because the role of the learner in the feedback process is underemphasized?  Students must have ‘feedback literacy’ and use behaviors that facilitate effective feedback … but what does this actually involve? Is it an issue with ‘triadic reciprocal interplay’?


#19 Long Live the Purple Scrunchy!

This work pushes beyond current notions of psychological safety and so looks not only at how educators can help protect the full breadth of identities that learners bring to medical education, but also the agency that the learners can harness. If you want to foster learning environments where each and every learner is free to be their full selves, then this is a must-listen episode.