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#18 Methods Consult – Thematic analysis

Methods Consult – Thematic Analysis is an inaugural episode where Lara Varpio dig a bit deeper into the some of the science methods and theory in health professions education. In this episode, we review thematic analysis as an independent data analysis approach, following the tradition that has been laid out by Braun and Clarke in Thematic Analysis: A Practical Guide (2022). Varpio talks about the six phases in doing a reflexive thematic analysis.


# 10 Ex machina: The disruption of HPE with AI 

In this episode we examine the feasibility of a hugely popular chatbot to answer a national medical licensing exam and discuss the implications of this disruptive innovation.
Chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) to converse and answer questions posed by a human user. Large language models have accelerated the usability of chatbots.  Original composition, answering complex questions etc. are some of the features.